Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Last semester, I spent much of my time reading, researching and writing about networking, for my thesis. I’m not talking about computer networking which is what I would sometimes get in my results after a Google search. I am talking about networking between people, the shaking hands, kissing babies kind. I was interested in examining the impact of online social networking on Saint Michael’s College’s graduate job and employment networking opportunities. What I learned was that while many alumni participate in online social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn, they are still interested in networking opportunities with fellow alumni face-to-face. This would make sense since most online social networking users do not “friend” or “link” with someone they have never met. Online social networks are a great way to maintain relationships that have already been established. I know in my role in the alumni office I rely heavily to maintain contacts with alumni, whether classmates of mine or new acquaintances I have met since working in the office.

How have you maintained or re-connected with someone you once knew? Share your stories!