Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Helping People

Every year, for as long I am aware there has been a Career Planning and Networking Seminar in Boston. Other cities are more sporadic but they do happen (if you live in NYC and have space available please contact me).

This year's career planning and networking seminar reminded me what I enjoy most about my job, it is helping people! At this event I was able to connect current juniors and seniors with alumni who live and work in the Boston area for networking and career advice. I remember so clearly how daunting the career search process was, to have an alumni base willing and eager to help makes the idea of graduating and leaving the real world a little more tolerable. As the event wore on and moved into a social setting I witnessed the students networking with the alumni, asking questions and getting more advice. After the event I ran into one of the students who in the beginning seemed a little nervous and overwhelmed. She came up to me thanking me for providing her with such and opportunity and she felt much better about the idea of graduating.

It is moments like this, where I can hopefully ease the minds of students and even alumni that make me value my job and happy to be part of this community.